70 Looks Good on You
I just loveeeeeee making treats for the youthful clients. I get so much joy knowing that I contributed to their special day. I didn't get the chance to meet this young lady (who happened to be turning 70 years young) but I did meet a member of her family. I had met Ms. Sonja in passing a few times with a simple morning or evening greeting. However this week was the first time I had the opportunity to sit down and get to know Ms. Sonja.
I just so happened to have two boxes of cupcakes when I saw Ms. Sonja at the elevators. She said, "I need your card." My mind being in a totally different place I said, "My Card?" She replied, "Yes, your card. You make cakes don't you?" I laughed and said, "Oh yes I do. I have some extra cupcakes you want to try them?" We went inside and she tried the Lemon Essence and Dancing Vanilla. She enjoyed them and later that day she placed an order.
Itty Bitty Treats prepared two pull a part cupcake cakes in the shape of a number seven "7" and zero "0". Ms. Sonja allowed us to pick the colors and flavor. Therefore we decided to go with Dancing Vanilla and our famous Cream Cheese Icing. We selected the colors Teal and Yellow to compliment the vibrate sunlight coming through the windows bouncing off a blue wall today. We also added an overlay of Gold Mist to give them a hint of sparkle and garnished with Gold, Blue, and Yellow sugars and pearls, and yellow hearts.
Thanks again Ms. Sonja
Happy Cupcaking